Dozing polar bear, Indianapolis Zoo

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Long days, inundated kayaks

The length of a July day in Montana provides no natural corrective to the urge to stay up late and sleep in. With daylight lasting till 10 p.m., you can get up at noon and still have time to get in a full day of playing. But you miss the cool mornings when the moon is still high and the birds aren't yet too hot to sing.

Still, we've had some fun so far. We've had the kayak out to Lake Koocanusa twice (yesterday we flipped it while towing it with Tony's 16-foot boat, and the less said about that, the better. Let's just say it's not easy to drain a kayak while standing on a six-inch rock ledge. ) I let both of the older kids try the kayak, and they learned it quickly. Ahh, the easy adaptability of youth.

Today we're going to let them try the canoe.

Tomorrow is Glacier.

I'm hot. Fortunately, the water is a cool 67.4 degrees. Time to go.

1 comment:

kris said...

Can't wait to see photos of Glacier when you post them. Your trip sounds like a lot of fun - altho a little warm! (TG for cool lakes!)