Dozing polar bear, Indianapolis Zoo

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This photograph is from a grove of old growth western red cedars in northwest Montana. I took this photo in mid-August, after an extremely dry summer. (It was 2003; fires were raging all over the whole state, including one within half a mile of this grove.) Quite a few of the trees in this grove had strips of bark hanging from them. I haven't noticed the same phenomenon since, though I can't recall if I've been to the grove again at precisely that time of year.

Can anyone explain what's going on with the bark coming off this tree? Is it something that happens ordinarily with western red cedars? Or does it have something to do with drought? Disease? (I should note that the trees in the grove generally appear to be fine today.)

Internet research has revealed nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

1 comment:

Jade L Blackwater said...

You know, I still think about this picture and wonder? I still haven't come up with any feasible causes... ah, the mystery of the trees. ;)